Agenda November 2014
L'Agenda de l'EFEO
The École française d'Extrême-Orient, though not an educational institution, makes training and the publishing of research results one of its priorities. Along with the direction of doctoral candidates and the enrollment of students in its Centres across Asia, many regular seminars are conducted by its teacher-researchers. In this regard we may note the resumption in November of some ten annual courses given by those here in France (see below), administered in large part within the framework of the École Pratique des Hautes Études (EPHE) and the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS). We should also mention the agreement, ratified this month, by the EFEO along with INALCO to continue the "Manusastra" project (Summer School in Phnom Penh), its active role in the organization of the "Journées de Tam dao [Tam dao Days]" (Summer School in Hanoi), and its many specialized training workshops (Pondicherry, Siem Reap, etc.), all representative of the training programs that the EFEO intends to undertake in connection with local institutions of higher education in the twelve Asian countries in which it operates.

Yves Goudineau
Colloquia, visits, and meetings
On November 4, Yves Goudineau, Director, is representing the EFEO at the meeting at INALCO of the member institutions in the Manusastra project of scholarly and university cooperation (Moussons University, Phnom Penh).

On November 20, at the CNAM, he is participating in the meeting of the CPU (Conférence des Présidents d'université [Conference of University Presidents]).

On November 28 he is attending the annual public meeting of the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres and the reception being given on this occasion at the Palais de l'Institut.

On November 25, Charlotte Schmid, Director of Studies, is taking part in the thesis defense jury for Fanny Dutillieux. Her thesis is entitled "La sculpture de l'Himachal Pradesh entre le 7ème et le 14ème siècle [Himachal Pradesh sculpture between the 7th and the 14th centuries]," and is directed by Édith Parlier-Renault (Paris IV). The defence is taking place at the Maison de l'Asie, first-floor salon, beginning at 9:30 a.m.

The new Administrative Council of the EFEO is holding its first meeting on November 18 at the Maison de l'Asie.

On November 7, 2:00-4:00 p.m., Philippe Le Failler is talking on "La disparition programmée du pouvoir héréditaire au sein des principautés Tai du Vietnam (XIXe-XXe siècles) [The programmed disappearance of hereditary power in the Tai principalities of Vietnam -- 19th to 20th centuries]" in Room 475 C, Université Paris Diderot, Grands Moulins building, 16 rue Marguerite Duras, 75013 Paris. His talk is being given as part of the seminar La double légitimation des pouvoirs aux époques moderne et contemporaine [Double legitimizing of power in the modern and contemporary epochs] directed by Grégory Mikaelian (CNRS - UMR 8170) and Emmanuel Poisson (U. Paris Diderot - UMR 7219).

On November 8, at 2:30 p.m., Frédéric Girard will join the jury for the defence of Didier Davin whose thesis is entitled: "L'expression du soi dans la poésie bouddhique japonaise du XVe siècle: Ikkyû Sôjun et le Kyôunshû [Expression of the self in Japanese Buddhist poetry of the 15th century: Ikkyû Sôjun and the Kyôunshû]," directed by Jean-Noël Robert, EPHE. The defence will take place at the Lévi-Strauss Room, Collège de France, 52 rue du Cardinal Lemoine, 75005 Paris.

From November 23 to December 21 he is to be in Japan to carry out some Sino-Japanological work with the research team at the Daitô Bunka Daigaku University in Tokyo.

From November 1 to 15 Fabienne Jagou is in Taipei to work with the Taiwanese contributors to a collective volume, now almost ready for publication, on Tibetan Buddhist practices.

On November 7, from 3 to 5 p.m., François Lachaud is directing a seminar at the Institute for Research in the Humane Sciences at the University of Kyôto: "Miroirs modernes de l'opportunisme politique: Talleyrand et Fouché [Modern mirrors of political opportunism: Talleyrand and Fouché]," at the invitation of Professor Tominaga Shigeki.

He will then be giving the keynote speech at the Hakuin Forum, dedicated to the written and painted works of the Zen monk Hakuin Ekaku, on November 9 at Numazu, at the invitation of Professor Yoshizawa Katsuhiro of Hanazono University.

On November 22, François Lachaud is taking part in the thesis-defence jury for Martin Nogueira Ramos, whose thesis is entitled "Crypto-christianisme et catholicisme dans la société villageoise japonaise (XVIIe-XIXe siècles) [Crypto-Christianity and Catholicism in Japanese village society (17th to 19th centuries)]", at the University of Paris-Diderot.

He is taking part in a daylong workshop on Buddhism organized in Lisbon by the Instituto Correia de Lacerda, where he will present at the Oriental Museum a talk entitled "Lives of the Buddha in Modern Japan (1591-1868): From the Page to the Stage and Beyond."

From November 21 to 26 Kuo Liying is visiting Lisbon to take part in an international colloquium on La lumière qui vient de l'Inde: le bouddhisme de l'Inde aux confins du monde [The light coming from India: Buddhism from India to the ends of the earth] being organized at the Oriental Museum by the Instituto Correia de Lacerda de Estudos Orientais. Her presentation deals with "La transmission et l'assimilation du bouddhisme en Chine [The transmission and assimilation of Buddhism in China]".

Professor Idris Abdurusul, former director of the Xinjiang provincial Archaeology Institute, is in Paris from November 15 to December 15 at the invitation of the UMR 8155-CRCAO and the EFEO. On December 3 and 8 he is giving two lectures on archaeological digs in south Xinjiang and the Taklamakan oases.

On November 21 François Lagirarde is talking on "L'autochtonie à travers l'historiographie du nord de la Thaïlande: Môns, Lawas et Birmans, premiers acteurs des chroniques traditionnelles des Thaïs du Lanna [Autochthony through the historiography of northern Thailand: Môns, Lawas, and Burmese, first actors in traditional chronicles]" as part of the Master 2 seminar, University of Paris VII-Diderot, Histoire et sociétés des pays de la péninsule indochinoise [History and societies of the Indochinese peninsula] 2 - 44HSPI50.

On Wednesday, November 12, from 2 to 4 p.m., Madame Guan Xiaojing (Peking Social Science Academy), guest of the EFEO, is giving a lecture in Chinese on the topic "La religion des gens des bannières vue à travers l'épigraphie des temples de Pékin [The religion of the people of the banners as seen through the epigraphy of Peking temples]," at the Maison de l'Asie, first-floor salon.

On November 28 and 29, Pierre-Yves Manguin is taking part in the 21e Rencontres d'Averroès [21st Averroes Meeting] organized by France Culture (La Fabrique de l'Histoire [The Fabric of History]) and the Marseilles Espace Culture [Cultural Centre]. He is speaking during a debate on the China Sea and Indonesian territory on the topic "D'autres méditerranées? [Other Mediterraneans?]."
Alain Arrault, "Les activités, le corps et ses soins dans les calendriers de la Chine médiévale (IXe-Xe s.)" in Études Chinoises, 33-1, 2014, pp. 7-55.

Jacques Leider, "Identität und historisches Bewusstsein - Muslime in Arakan und die Entstehung der Rohingya" in Myanmar Von Pagoden, Longyis und Nat-geistern, ed. Dorothee Schäfer, Wolfgang Stein and Uta Weigelt, München: Deutscher Kunstverlag/Museum Fünf Kontinente, 2014, pp. 66-73.

Peter Skilling, "A List of Symbols on the Feet and Hands of the Buddha from the Bodhisatva-gocara-upāya-viṣaya-vikurvāṇa-nirdeśa-nāma-mahāyāna-sūtra" in Journal of the Centre for Buddhist Studies, Sri Lanka, vol. XI, 2013, pp. 47-60.
Mme Puch Be, formerly French-Khmer translator and specialist in documents, is rejoining the EFEO as curator of the Southeast Asia collection of the EFEO Library. She is replacing Pinutsajee Sallaberry, who is returning to Thailand.

On November 13 Francis Nikou is leaving the EFEO for personal reasons.
Seminar led by Alain Arrault (EFEO-CECMC), in collaboration avec Christian Lamouroux (EHESS) and with the participation of Valérie Lavoix (INALCO), Centre for the Study of Modern and Contemporary China, EHESS:

Beginning November 19 (and running until March 18, 2015): "Curiosité savante, culture politique et sociabilité lettrée dans le Mengxi bitan de Shen Gua (1031-1095) [Scholarly curiosity, political culture, and literati social life among the Mengxi bitan of Shen Gua (1031-1095)]", on the first and third Wednesday of the month, 1 to 4 p.m. at the CECMC (room 681. Le France Building, 190-198 avenue de France, 75013 Paris).

Alain Arrault, Michela Bussotti and Katiana Le Mentec (CECMC), organization of the workshop for doctoral candidates at the UMR China, Korea, Japan, on the second Tuesday of each month beginning in January 2015.

Seminar led by Michela Bussotti (EFEO), Caroline Bodolec (CNRS), and Frédéric Obringer (CNRS):

Beginning on November 12 (and continuing until June 11, 2015): "Usages techniques, objets élaborés et patrimoine culturel immatériel dans le monde chinois [Technical practices, developed objects, and non-material cultural heritage in the Chinese world]." The second and fourth Thursday of the month, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the EHESS (Le France, 6th floor).

Presentation by Michela Bussotti, on November 27 on the topic "De l'argile et du bois: textes et pratiques à propos des caractères mobiles chinois [Of clay and wood: texts and practices concerning setting of moveable Chinese-character type]."

Seminars led by Anne Bouchy

- Beginning on October 2: Anthropologie du Japon [Japanese anthropology] (UE 143), "Les grands domaines de l'ethnologie du Japon au prisme des études sur le champ religieux et les rapports de celui-ci au végétal et autres dimensions du monde "naturel" dans la société japonaise [The wide areas of Japanese ethnology as seen through studies in the field of religion and the relationships of these to the vegetable and other dimensions of the ‘natural' world in Japanese society]."

- Beginning on November 13: "Les dynamiques du fait religieux au Japon - le shugendō [dynamics of religious practice in Japan - shugendō]" Anthropologie de l'Asie (UE 354), "Le feu dans le shugendō - Au croisement des matérialités, des ritualités et des symboliques [Fire in shugendō - at the confluence of material objects, rituals, and symbolism]."

- Beginning on October 2: Méthodologie de la recherche [Research methology] (UE 140) Nicolas Adell (UTM) and Anne Bouchy (EFEO).

Beginning on October 17, monthly EHESS seminar (open to doctoral candidates): "Les langages du religieux [Languages of the religious]," Jean-Pierre Albert (EHESS) and Anne Bouchy (EFEO). Social Anthropology Centre, Maison de la Recherche, (Jean-Jaurès University of Toulouse, 31000 Toulouse).
For more details on the dates and timings of the courses and seminars, consult the website

Seminar led by Éric Bourdonneau, in collaboration with Grégory Mikaelian, Joseph Thach, and Michel Antelme:

Beginning on Friday, November 7: "Langue, histoire et sources textuelles du Cambodge ancien et modern [Language, history, and textual sources of ancient and modern Cambodia]."
Fridays, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the Maison de l'Asie, first-floor salon.

Seminar led by Frédéric Girard

Beginning November 5:
- "Lecture de traités de thé, des époques Muromachi et Edo [Reading treatises on tea from the Muromachi and Edo periods],"

- "Les traités de Nō de Zeami et Zenchiku [Treatises on Nō by Zeami and Zenchiku],"

- "Le Hasshū kōyō,"

Wednesdays, from 2 to 4 p.m., EPHE (Section IV, Historical and philological studies):

Seminars led by Dominic Goodall

- Beginning October 29: "Les débuts du tantrisme çivaïte à travers des sources sanskrites inédites: Manger chez les shivaïtes [The beginnings of tantric Shaivism through unpublished Sanskrit sources: Eating among the Shaivas]."
Wednesdays, 3 to 5 p.m., Maison de l'Asie, 22 avenue du Président Wilson, 75016 Paris, first-floor salon.

- Joint seminar led by Dominic Goodall (EFEO), Gerdi Gerschheimer (EPHE V), and Claude Jacques (EPHE IV): Corpus des inscriptions khmères [Corpus of Khmer Inscriptions] (CIK)
Beginning November 6, Thursdays, 3 to 5 p.m., Maison de l'Asie, 22 avenue du Président Wilson, 75016 Paris, ground-floor meeting room.

Seminar led by Yves Goudineau

Beginning Thursday, November 27: "Anthropologie comparée à partir de l'Asie du Sud-Est [Comparative anthropology from Southeast Asia]".
Second and fourth Thursdays of the month, from 1 to 3 p.m., Maison de l'Asie, 22 avenue du Président Wilson, 75116 Paris, first-floor salon.

Seminar led by Andrew Hardy

Beginning on October 21: "Étude ethno-religieuse des relations plaine-montagne au Centre Vietnam [Ethno-religious study of the relations between plains and mountains in Central Vietnam]".
Tuesdays, 2 to 4 p.m., Maison de l'Asie, ground floor meeting room.

Seminar led by Charlotte Schmid

Beginning on November 6: "Épigraphie et iconographie du pays tamoul: bhakti locale et enjeux de l''indianité [Epigraphy and iconography of the Tamil region: local bhakti and aspects of Indianness]".
Thursdays, 1 to 3 p.m., Maison de l'Asie, 22 avenue du Président Wilson, 75016 Paris, Ground-floor meeting room.
EFEO Paris Seminar
The EFEO Paris seminar is taking place on Monday, November 24 (11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.). Presentation by Dr. Son Key-young (instructor-researcher at the Asiatic Research Institute of Korea University) on the topic "Historicizing the Korea Divide: Structure, Identities and Norms," Maison de l'Asie (22, avenue du Président Wilson, 75116 Paris, first-floor salon).
Life in the Centers
On November 13, Eva Wilden is giving a talk entitled "Text, Pretext, Paratext - Commentaries in Manuscripts of the Tamil Literary-Grammatical Tradition" at the seminar given by Karine Chemla (CNRS), as part of the project ERC SAW (Mathematical sciences in the ancient world): New Theoretical Approaches to the Sources and Socio-Political Issues of the Present Day (Condorcet building, 10 rue Alice Domon et Léonie Duquet, 75013 Paris).

The first of the monthly Sanskrit reading cessions with the Department of Sanskrit of the Pondicherry University took place on the 25th of November at the EFEO Centre. The cession was lead by Prof. C.S. Radhakrishnan, Head of the Department, and ten students from History, Tamil and Sanskrit Departments of the Pondicherry University, as well as EFEO and NETamil scholars, joined the reading cession. The text chosen was the Kūram copper plates of the Pallava dynasty.

On November 11 and 12, Arlo Griffiths is leading a workshop on Sanskrit and its history in the Indonesian archipelago at the Universitas Indonesia, Depok. Then he is visiting Sydney, Australia, from November 24 to 28. He is talking there on November 24 on the topic "The Sanskrit Inscriptions of Arakan (Myanmar)" and will be present on November 26 at a workshop on the digital publication of epigraphic corpora.
From November 12 to 15, Peter Skilling is taking part in the workshop Buddhist Arts in Southeast Asia organized by the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Regional Centre for Archaeology and Fine Arts à Bangkok (at the Royal Princess Larn Luang Hotel). He is giving two lectures on the following topics: "Introduction to Buddhism in Southeast Asia" (Wednesday, November 12, 9:10 a.m. to noon) and "Context of Scripture Writing in Theravada Buddhist Countries" (Saturday, November 15, 9 a.m. to noon).

Christophe Pottier is giving two lectures at the Bangkok National Museum. The first, on Wednesday, November 12, at 10:30 a.m., is on the topic "Ayutthaya à Angkor: quelle réalité archéologique? [Ayutthaya at Angkor: the archaeological reality?]" (lecture in French). The second, in English, is on November 20, at 10:30 a.m., on "Lobpuri Art: beyond the name."
Phnom Penh
The restoration workshop at the Cambodian National Museum is extremely busy during November, preparing for the departure from the museum of forty sculptures that are to be exhibited in China, at the Capital Museum of China in Peking, and then at the Guangdong Museum in Guangzhou, from December 2014 to June 2015.
From November 6 to 14, Christine Hawixbrock is going, along with Maxime Boyer (national heritage architect), and Jade Thau (EFEO fellowship holder), to Savannakhet to install the exhibition De Vat Phu à Angkor, Archives photographiques de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [From Wat Phu to Angkor, Photographic archives of the EFEO] at the historical museum there. The opening of the exhibition on November 14 is to be in the presence of the Directorate of the National Heritage of the Lao, the authorities of the protected site Wat Phu-Champassak, and the province's cultural authorities.

From November 17 to 30, Christine Hawixbrock and Maxime Boyer are going on site to prepare the excavation workshop at the pre-Angkorian temple Phu Malong.
In the lecture series Histoire, Archéologie et Société 2013-2014:
- On November 5, at 2 p.m., at the history department of Peking University, Wu Shizhou (Professor at the Centre for the study of material culture and museum science at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) is giving a lecture on "Un jour dans la vie de l'empereur Qianlong (r. 1736-1796) à la Cour de Pékin [One day in the life of the Qianlong Emperor (r. 1736-1796) at the Peking court]".

- On November 14, at 2 p.m., at Tsinghua University, Chen Xiyuan (researcher at the Institute for History and Philology of the Academia Sinica in Taipei) is giving a lecture on "Des hommes éminents des temples aux temples dédiés aux hommes illustres - Etude de l'essor des temples consacrés aux grands hommes (Xianliangci) sous le règne Yongzheng (r. 1723-1736) [Prominent temple men at the temples dedicated to famous men - Study of the development of temples dedicated to great men (Xianliangci) under the reign of Yongzheng (1723-1736)]".

- On November 27, at 3 p.m., at the Palace Museum, Guan Xiaojing (researcher at the Institute for Manchu studies at the Peking Academy of Social Sciences) is giving a lecture on "La religion des gens des bannières vue à travers l'épigraphie des temples de Pékin [The religion of the people of the banners as revealed by epigraphy in Peking temples]."
Hong Kong
On November 4, 4:30 to 6 p.m., Dimitri Drettas (senior research associate, Department of Religion and Philosophy, Hong Kong Baptist University) is presenting a lecture on the topic "Dream Cutouts and Ghostly Interactions: The Shaping and Transmission of Chinese Oneirocritique." This is a public lecture co-organized by the EFEO Centre, the Institute for Chinese Studies (ICS), and the University of Hong Kong's centre for studies on Taoist culture. (Activity Room, ICS, 2/F Art Museum East Wing).

From November 27 to 29, Franciscus Verellen is to be at the Institut d'études avancées de Nantes (IEA Nantes) where he is to meet with the resident researchers and take part in the meeting of the scholarly council on November 28.
Jean-Paul Demoule (Paris I), visiting Taiwan from November 5 to 9, at the invitation of the EFEO, is giving three lectures:

- Thursday, November 6, morning: "Preventive Archaeology in France";

- Thursday November 6, afternoon: "Archaeology and French History";

- Friday, November 7, afternoon: "The European Neolithic".

The two first talks are jointly organized by the Taipei EFEO Centre and the Archaeology group of the History and Philology Institute, and the third with the Archaeology department of the National University of Taiwan.

Along with the lectures, a meeting between Jean-Paul Demoule and the National Heritage Office of Taiwan is to take place, along with visits to certain of the islands museum and an excavation site.

From November 11 to 26 Paola Calanca is to be in China (Fujian), first in Xiamen where, along with Claudine Salmon, she is carrying out research on the renewal of clans, focusing on that of the Li in Gankou (Xiamen). They are then to travel along the coastline of the Zhangzhou prefecture in order to study the fortification-system of the Ming-Qing period.

On November 28 and 29, Paola Calanca is taking part as a discussant in the colloquium Études sur Tamsui [Tamsui Studies].
As a guest of the Seoul Centre, Dr. Son Key-young, teacher-researcher at the Asiatic Research Institute of Korea University, is leading the monthly EFEO Seminar on Monday, November 24, with his talk on "Historicizing the Korea Divide: Structure, Identities and Norms" (see above).

Dr. Yoon Min-kyung is to be a guest of the Centre until May 31, 2015, in order to continue his post-doctoral study on "Aestheticized Politics: the North Korean Socialist Imaginary."
Iyanaga Nobumi's seminar, Introduction au kanbun bouddhique [Introduction to the Buddhist kanbun] is taking place on Monday, November 10 and 24: reading of the texts of the Mahāvairocana-sūtra and the Chinese commentary on it on the subject of the "lotus-shaped heart," sections 1 et 2 (from 6 to 8 p.m., lecture hall of the Tōyō bunko).
On November 1, from 10-11 a.m., Benoît Jacquet is giving a lecture on the topic "On Things to Come: What contemporary Japanese architecture should be like" at the colloquium on Le Japon et son avenir: l'identité japonaise dans le maelstrom de la mondialisation / Japan and Its Future: Japanese Identity in the Maelstrom of Globalisation organized by the Centre européen d'études japonaises d'Alsace [Alsace European Centre for Japanese Studies] (CEEJA) and Hôsei University, at the CEEJA, on October 30 and November 1.

From November 3 to 15, Benoît Jacquet is visiting Indonesia at the invitation of the Holcim Foundation for Sustainable Construction.

On Thursday, November 27, at 11 a.m., the seminar on Buddhism organized by Iyanaga Nobumi Is taking place at the EFEO Centre, Kyoto.
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