September 2010
L'Agenda de l'EFEO
The exhibition Archéologues à Angkor, archives photographiques de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Archaeologists at Angkor; EFEO photographic archives] is running at the Cernuschi Museum from 10 September 2010 to 2 January 2011.
One hundred and eight photos from the EFEO archives present several of the Angkor temples before their clearing, and then when they were restored. The temples shown include Banteay Srei, the Baphuon, Angkor Wat, and Neak Pean. Four watercolors by Jean Commaille, the first conservator at the Angkor site, and two viewers for glass stereoscopic images-the first photo-graphic record-round out the exhibition.

The film Angkor, l'aventure du Baphuon [Angkor, the Baphuon adventure] is being shown in the museum lecture room every morning at 11:30 a.m. during the entire run of the exhibition.

Colloques, missions et réunions
Franciscus Verellen, Director, is in Tallinn University, Estonia, on September 20-21, in connection with the work of the European Consortium for Asian Field Study (ECAF). He is accompanied by Claire Prillard, secretary of the Consortium.
Franciscus Verellen, Director of the EFEO and member of the Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres (AIBL), presente the Rapport sur l'activité de l’EFEO 2009-2010 [Report on the activities of the EFEO, 2009-2010] at the public meeting of the AIBL at 3:30 p.m. on Friday, September 24.
From September 27 to 30, Franciscus Verellen is visiting the EFEO Center in Hanoi where he is to carry on discussions with French and European authorities on the FP7 project Integrating and Developing European Asian Studies (IDEAS).
On September 5, François Lachaud, Director of Studies, takes part in Colette Fellous’ program Carnet Nomade on the radio channel France Culture. He is invited to talk about his book Le Vieil Homme qui vendait du thé [The Old Man who Sold Tea].
François Lachaud is giving a talk on “Angkor et les voyageurs de Chine et du Japon: un autre regard sur l’empire khmer [Angkor and travelers from China and Japan: another view of the Khmer emprie]” on September 30 (at 4:00 p.m.) at the Cernuschi Museum as part of the exhibition Archéologues à Angkor, archives photographiques de l’École française d’Extrême-Orient.
During September, Pierre-Yves Manguin is visiting Ho Chi Minh City to take up again his work with the Archaeology Center of the Vietnamese Social Science Academy. He is preparing the online presentation of the data from the “Archéologie du delta du Mékong [Mekong delta archaeology]” mission (part of the Espace khmer ancien [Ancient Khmer territory] program), and, on a wider scale, working on the development of a GIS on sites in Fuman.
From September 27 to October 1, Pierre-Yves Manguin is taking part in the international conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists (EurASEAA), to be held in Berlin. There he is to chair a panel on the archaeological study of Sumatra.
On September 16, as part of the research workshop on Sûreté maritime [Maritime security] at the Institute for Strategic Research at the Military School (IRSEM) Paola Calanca is talking on the topic “La piraterie dans les codes de la Chine imperial [Piracy in the imperial Chinese legal codes].”

From September 25 to 30, Paola Calanca and the Département des recherches archéologiques subaquatiques et sous-marines (DRASSM) [Department of underwater and undersea archaeological research] are to welcome for a study and collaboration visit a team from the Department of Undersea Archaeology of the Chinese National Museum. This delegation is working with the Arc Nucléart laboratory (Grenoble) on the excavation of the wreck of the Jeanne Elisabeth (1755) at Palavas. They are also visiting the exhibition on DRASSM excavations along the Rhône at the Arles Museum and the DRASSM offices in Marseille.
Alain Arrault has been named a member of the academic council of the Réseau Asie [Asia Network] (USR CNRS).
From July 22 to September 20, as a guest of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPSALH Project), Jacqueline Filliozat, former member of the EFEO, is giving a series of lectures in Japan on the preservation of Southeast Asian Pali manuscripts. She is also conducting a series of workshops on deciphering Pali texts preserved in Siamese illustrated manuscripts. (She is visiting Aichi Gakuin University and Nagoya University in Nagoya, the Todai-ji temple in Nara, Otani University in Kyoto, and Tokyo University).
On September 20 and 21, Claire Prillard, as secretary of the European Consortium for Asian Field Study (ECAF), is accompanying Franciscus Verellen, chair of the steering committee of the Consortium and Director of the EFEO, to meetings at Tallinn University, Estonia.
Sophie Alexandrova, assistant to the director in charge of international relations since April, 2009, has left the EFEO as of August 26 in order to move to Washington, D.C.

EFEO is glad to welcome Claire Prillard, who joins the EFEO on September 1 as assistant to the director in charge of international relations. Claire Prillard was previously teaching French, in charge of communications, at the Beijing branch of the Ecole Centrale.

Frédéric Girard has been assigned to Japan, beginning in September.

On September 1, Valérie Richal, who recently passed the examinations for the position of administrative secretary in national education, took up her new position in the financial offices of the EFEO.
From September 1 to 4, Antony Boussemart is in Genoa to participate in the annual meetings of the European Association of Japanese Resources Specialists (EAJRS). He is to give a talk entitled “Needs and prospects in Europe about e-resources on Asia.”
From September 8 to 10, Barbara Bonazzi is in Lyon to take part in the annual meeting of the European Association of Sinological Librarians (EASL).
Prizes and honors
The Phan Châu Trinh Cultural Foundation has awarded its prize for 2009 to the research on Vietnam carried out by Georges Condominas, Honrary Member of the EFEO. This prize honors foreign researchers who have contributed to the understanding of Vietnamese history and culture.
Michela Bussotti, Zhu Wanshu, ed., Faguo hanxue/Sinologie française, "Huizhou: shuye yu difang wenhua" [Books and printed materials by the people of Huizhou], vol. 13, Zhonghua shuju, 2010, 711 pp.

Valérie Gillet, La création d'une iconographie sivaïte narrative: incarnations du dieu dans les temples pallava construits, [The creation of a narrative Shivaite iconography: incarnations of the god in Pallava temples]. Collection Indologie n° 113, IFP / EFEO, 2010, 402 pp., 250 fig.

Hermansyah, Ilmu Gaib di Kalimantan Barat [Magic in West Kalimantan], Jakarta, Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia-EFEO.

Henri Chambert-Loir & Claude Guillot (eds.), Ziarah dan Wali di Dunia Islam (Le Culte des saints dans le monde musulman) [The Cult of Saints in the Muslim world], translation from the PEFEO, Études thématiques 4, 1995), (2nd edition).

Hasan Djafar, Kompleks Percandian Batujaya: Rekonstruksi Sejarah Kebudayaan Daerah Pantai Utara Jawa Barat (Les temples de Batujaya: restitution de l'histoire culturelle de la région côtière de Java Ouest [The Batujaya temples: reconstruction of the cultural history of the coastal region of West Java]), Bandung, Kiblat-EFEO.

Putu Oka Sukanta, Le Voyage du poète: Nouvelles et poèmes de l'intranquillité [The poet's journey: novels and poems of the troubled mind], translated from Indonesian by Jacqueline Camus, Jakarta, Forum Jakarta-Paris-EFEO.

Ajip Rosidi, Voyage de noces [The honeymoon], novel translated from Indonesian by H. Chambert-Loir, Jakarta: Forum Jakarta-Paris-EFEO, (reprint).

Anatole Peltier, Les adieux de Pajapati Gotami [The Farewells of Pajapati Gotami], Chiang Mai, Rajabhat University, July 2010, 216 pp., illus. (See below, under Chiang Mai.)

EFEO Paris Seminar
EFEO Seminar, Monday, September 27 [12:30 to 2:00 p.m.): Kuo Liying (EFEO) is talking on the topic: "La transmission de l'Inde en Chine d'une formule de salut bouddhique: colonne de pierre et bannière de soie [The transmission from India to China of a Buddhist salvation formula: stone column and silk banner]," at the Maison de l'Asie (second floor lecture hall, 22 avenue du Président Wilson, 75116 Paris).
Maison de l’Asie
Mr. Yin Guangming from the Dunhuang Institute (China), a guest of the EFEO and the UMR 8155 CRCAO (Center for Research in the Civilizations of East Asia), is giving a lecture on "Les stūpa des Liang du Nord (397-439) et les plus anciennes grottes de Dunhuang (N° 268, 272 et 275) [The stūpas of the Northern Liang (397-439) and the most ancient of the Dunhuang caves]," on Thursday, September 16, at 10:30 a.m., at the Maison de l'Asie (second floor lecture hall, 22 avenue du Président Wilson, 75116 Paris).
On Friday, September 10, Mr. Shi Jinbo, of the Peking Academy of Social Sciences, a specialist in Xixia manuscripts (Tangut) and a guest of the UMR 8155 CRCAO (Center for Research in the Civilizations of East Asia), gives a lecture on "Les documents séculiers en Xixia de Khara Khoto [Secular documents in Xixia, from Khara Khoto]," from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. at the Maison de l'Asie (second floor lecture hall, 22 avenue du Président Wilson, 75116 Paris).
Life in the centers
Alex Watson returns to the Pondicherry Center to continue work with Dominic Goodall and S.L.P. Anjaneya Sarma on their joint project on rival notions of salvation as presented in a tenth-century Sanskrit treatise by the Kashmiri theologian Ramakantha, the Paramoksanirasakarikavrtti (Commentary on the verses rejecting others' views of liberation).
On September 3, S.L.P. Anjaneya Sarma is in Kalady (Kerala) to take part in the National Sastrasadas organized by the Sreee Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit, Kalady. From September 15 to 24 he is to be in Sringeri in Karnataka to present a paper entitled "Exposition of Panini's rule: hetumati ca 3-1-26" at the conference Mahaganapati Vakyartha Sadas. ,
On the occasion of his retirement, Anatole Peltier has published his long-awaited work Les adieux de Pajapati Gotami (see under Publications). This work, inspired by the Rosetta Stone, brings together a dozen languages and dialects, from Môn to Burmese, by way of Thai and Lao. It may be seen as an introductory manual to the languages, literatures, and scripts of the Indochinese Peninsula.
Kuala Lumpur
As part of the program of inventorying ancient inscriptions in the Malay world, Daniel Perret and Arlo Griffiths are to be in Frankfurt-am-Main on September 24 in order to document the collections in the Museum der Weltkulturen.
From September 27 to October 1, Daniel Perret is taking part in the 13th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists (EurASEAA) organized in Berlin by the Free University's Institute for Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology, the Ethnology Museum, and the German Archaeology Institute (DAI), He is giving a talk on "The 2009 Archaeological Excavations at the Si Pamutung Site in Sumatra."
Arlo Griffiths continues his teaching as master of epigraphy at the University of Indonesia. His weekly courses deal on the one hand with epigraphy as a source of information on the history of South and Southeast Asia, and on the other the reading of texts in Old Javanese. During the second week of September he is in Germany to inventory the collection of Indonesian inscriptions at the Ethnology Museum in Frankfurt, followed by the biennial colloquium of Southeast Asian archaeologists.
On September 24, Olivier Tessier is giving a lecture entitled "De la transformation au démantèlement de la citadelle d'Hanoi au XIXe siècle: enjeux politiques et aménagement de l'espace urbain [From the transformation to the dismantling of the Hanoi citadel in the nineteenth century: political maneuvers and the managing of urban space]," at L'Espace-Centre Culturel français in Hanoi, to mark the opening of the exhibition of the same name that runs until September 21.
Hong Kong
The course on History of Daoism, given by Lü Pengzhi in the Department of Cultural and Religious Studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Master of Arts program in Religious Studies) in the first semester of the 2010-2011 academic year, runs from September 2010 to January 2011, and meets on Thursdays, from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m.
As part of the series of lectures on Grands Sinologues [Great Sinologists] organized jointly by the Taipei Institut français and the EFEO Center, Christian Lamouroux (EHESS), is in Taipei from September 12 to 17. He is to give two lectures, one in the Department of History at the Taiwan National University on September 14, and the other at the Academia Sinica's Institute for History and Philology on September 16.
As part of the Iéna lecture series in Taipei, organized jointly by the National Palace Museum and the EFEO Center in Taipei, with the support of the Taipei Institut français, Soren Edgren (Princeton University) is to be in Taipei from September 20 to 25. He is giving a lecture at the National Palace Museum on Wednesday, September 22, and is to lead a seminar for the departmental staff of the Southern Branch of the National Palace Museum on Friday, September 24.
From September 30 to October 2, Luca Gabbiani is in Heidelberg to take part in the international colloquium Paratexts in Late Imperial Chinese Book Culture at the Karl Jaspers Centre for Advanced Transcultural Studies of the University of Heidelberg. His talk is titled "This City of Ours: a paratextual approach to late imperial travel literature and city descriptions devoted to Beijing."
The Seminar on Buddhism at the EFEO Center, led by Iyanaga Nobumi, is to be held on Monday, September 6 and 20: reading of Genshin's Ōjōyōshū 35 and 36 (6:00 to 8:00 p.m., in the Tôyô bunko lecture room).
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